Nu ons huwelijk dichterbij komt -nog 1 maand en 2 weken!- besef ik meer en meer dat trouwen een 'sprong in geloof' is (leap of faith, klinkt net iets beter:). Overal rondom ons zien we schrijnende situaties, gezinnen die helemaal gebroken zijn, vol pijn. Scheidingen of gewoon een in stilte gestorven huwelijk van twee mensen die nog wel samenleven maar, ... Helemaal niet van die stevige, mooie, gelukkige huwelijken waar zo veel mensen van dromen. Als je op al die gebroken harten focust, kan het huwelijk heel angstaanjagend lijken!
Maar daar hoeven we niet op te focussen! Want dan is er God. En Hij belooft dat als we ons eigen leven opgeven, we het zullen winnen! Daarbij is de vrucht van Zijn Geest zachtaardigheid, nederigheid, liefde, vriendelijkeheid,... (wie wil niet met iemand samenwonen die deze vruchten draagt!?) God kan Nick en mij de liefde geven die we nodig hebben voor elkaar, elke dag opnieuw. We moeten het hem alleen maar vragen! En hoe hebben we Hem al zien werken doorheen de moeilijke momenten! We weten zeker dat wat er ook gebeurd, Hij zal herstellen en genezen, zegenen, helpen en liefhebben, in ons en voor ons!
Daarom vind ik dit zo een mooi liedje! Het ontkent niet dat het huwelijk soms heel moeilijk kan zijn... maar het zegt ons dat wij het licht van de Mensenzoon in ons dragen, dus het is oke, er is niets waar we bang van moeten zijn. Het zegt ons dat die belofte die we maken op onze huwelijksdag, er net is voor die reden, en dat wat je opgeeft voor God overvloedig terugkomt.
We vertrouwen de Heer, we geloven dat Hij ons huwelijk zal zegenen en beschermen, en we bidden dat we samen een zegen voor Hem en anderen kunnen zijn!
Andrew Peterson zegt het nog beter, zie de lyrics hier beneden.
As our marriage approches, now in 1 month and 2 weeks, I realise more and more that getting married is a leap of faith. In so many families around us we see brokenness, hurt and heartache instead of solid, beautiful and happy marriages. If you focus on this, ... marriage can seem terrifying!
But then there is God. And He promises us that when we lay down our lives, we will gain it. The fruit of His spirit is gentleness, meekness, love, kindness, ... (who wouldn't want to live with someone who carries that fruit?!) He can give Nick and me the love we need for each other every day. And how we have seen Him working already through all the difficult times! We know and have seen that whatever happens, He will restore, bless, help, love for us and in us!
That's why I like this song: it doesn't deny that marriage can be difficult... but it tells us that we have the light of the Son of Man, so it's okay, there is nothing left to fear. It tells us that the vows are there for a reason, and that what you give up comes back to you in an abundant way. We trust in the Lord, that He will bless and protect our marriage, and pray that we can be a great blessing together!
Well, Andrew Peterson says it much better:
Well I was 19, you were 21
The year we got engaged
Everyone said we were much too young
But we did it anyway
We got the rings for 40 each from a pawnshop down the road
We said our vows and took the leap now 15 years ago
We went dancing in the minefields
We went sailing in the storms
And it was harder than we dreamed
But I believe that's what the promise is for
Well "I do" are the two most famous last words
The beginning of the end
But to lose your life for another I've heard is a good place to begin
'Cause the only way to find your life is to lay your own life down
And I believe it's an easy price for the life that we have found
And we're dancing in the minefields
We're sailing in the storms
And it was harder than we dreamed
But I believe that's what the promise is for
That's what the promise is for
The year we got engaged
Everyone said we were much too young
But we did it anyway
We got the rings for 40 each from a pawnshop down the road
We said our vows and took the leap now 15 years ago
We went dancing in the minefields
We went sailing in the storms
And it was harder than we dreamed
But I believe that's what the promise is for
Well "I do" are the two most famous last words
The beginning of the end
But to lose your life for another I've heard is a good place to begin
'Cause the only way to find your life is to lay your own life down
And I believe it's an easy price for the life that we have found
And we're dancing in the minefields
We're sailing in the storms
And it was harder than we dreamed
But I believe that's what the promise is for
That's what the promise is for
So when I lose my way, find me
When I lose loves chains, bind me
At the end of all my faith to the end of all my days
when I forget my name, remind me
'Cause we bear the light of the Son of man
So there's nothing left to fear
So I'll walk with you in the shadow lands
Till the shadows disappear
'Cause He promised not to leave us
And his promises are true
So in the face of this chaos baby,
I can dance with you
So lets go dancing in the minefields
Lets go sailing in the storms
Oh, lets go dancing in the minefields
And kicking down the doors
Oh, lets go dancing in the minefields
And sailing in the storms
Oh, this is harder than we dreamed
But I believe that's what the promise is for
That's what the promise is for
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